Black Heritage Riders -The Journey of A Modern African American Pioneer
Vol. II

Manhattan, New York- Los Angeles, California,   Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No. 848
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Miles Dean- Short Bio

New York To California Trail Rider
Fee: Please contact for more Info
Mr. Dean Commutes from New Jersey


Multimedia Interviews

(Directed and Filmed by AMAAP)

Audio and video interviews from African American Scholars, Archivists, and Archaeologists, which pertain to each state's theme (refer to the AMAAP Route) along the AMAAP trek.

Interview Clips currently posted

New York NY - Dr. Jefferies

 Philadelphia PA - Dr. Asante

Washington D.C.- Dr. Hill

Baltimore MD - Dr. Winbush

Kentucky - Dr. Ann Butler

Tennessee- Dr. Mitchell

Texas Historian- Rosie Letta Reed

California-The Black Farmer (part one)

California-The Black Farmer (part two)

Invited Commentators in future Videos

New York

Click on either link below to start the interview in a separate window

For contextual background regarding the above video interview between AMAAP and Dr. Leonard Jeffries of City College of New York, please click on the link below:


Dr. Molefi Kete Asante
Professor, Department of African American Studies
Temple University

Considered by his peers to be one of the most distinguished contemporary scholars, Asante has published 61 books, among the most recent are Encyclopedia of Black Studies, (2004), co-edited with Ama Mazama, Race, Rhetoric, and Identity: The Architecton of Soul, Erasing Racism: The Survival of the American Nation, (2003), Ancient Egyptian Philosophers (2003), Scattered to the Wind, Custom and Culture of Egypt, and 100 Greatest African Americans. The second edition of his high school text, African American History: Journey of Liberation, 2nd Edition, (2001), is used widely throughout North America.


Dr. Ray Winbush
Director, Institute for Urban Affairs
Morgan State University

Dr. Winbush is a former Benjamin Hooks Professor of Social Justice at Fisk University and Director of the University’s Race Relations Institute. He is also the former Assistant Provost and Director of the Johnson Black Cultural Center at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Winbush was a Delegate to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa in 2001.


Dr. Walter B. Hill, Jr.
Archivist, Historian, and Archaeologist
The National Archives

Dr. Hill, a longtime archivist and historian at the National Archives and a leading authority on the documentation of African Americans in Federal records, was honored in 2006 by the National Archives for his efforts to make such records accessible, and to promote their use by historians, journalists, students, and others. He is a commissioner on the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture and has served on panels and committees for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. Dr. Hill is also a consultant and adviser to the Organization of American Historians and chairs the organization’s Historical Documentation and Research Committee

Additional audio and video are also forthcoming from the following African American Scholars, Archivists, and Archaeologists, which pertains to each state's theme (refer to the AMAAP Route) along the AMAAP trek. You may also visit these colleges, universities, and archives online by clicking on each of the links below.


Dr. V. Nzingha Gaffin
Professor, Department of Communication and Modern Languages
Cheyney University

Dr. Gaffin is a professor in the Department of Communication and Modern Languages at Cheyney. She earned her Ph.D. in African American Studies from Temple University.

Dr. D. Zizwe Poe
Professor, African American Studies
Lincoln University

Dr. Poe is an African American Studies professor in the Department of History at Lincoln University, and author of numerous books on Pan-Africanism. According to his students, "he is one of the coolest teachers at Lincoln."

Washington D.C.

Dr. E. Ethelbert Miller
Professor (and literary activist), African American Literature
Howard University

Dr. E. Ethelbert Miller is a literary activist. He is the board chairperson of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). He is a board member of The Writer's Center and editor of Poet Lore magazine. Since 1974, he has been the director of the African American Resource Center at Howard University. Mr. Miller is the former chair of the Humanities Council of Washington, D.C. and a former core faculty member of the Bennington Writing Seminars at Bennington College.